Tyrant is a chimera-like Kaiju that debuted in Ultraman Taro, created from the spirits of the Ultra Brother's fallen foes. After fulfilling its vengeance on the previous Ultra Brothers, Tyrant arrived on Earth to fight Taro. Arguably the most popular chimeric monster in the Ultraman Series, numerous incarnations of Tyrant have appeared since the original's debut.
Maker: Bandai
Material: Vinyl
Scale: 16.5cm
Condition: With minimal paint flaws
- Item is exactly the same as picture shown
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be advised that this item will come from Japan or the Philippines. The item will need some time, but it will definitely arrive. We will use EMS postal service.
It may take 7-20 days for the item to arrive. You will be provided with a tracking number as soon as it is picked up or processed by the courier.