How To Buy An Item In Senpai Mart Using PayPal Or Debit/Credit Card

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How To Buy An Item In Senpai Mart Using PayPal Or Debit/Credit Card


We'd like to let you know that you can pay using credit or debit card even without a PayPal account.

After complete order screen, you just need to do it as a PayPal guest by scrolling down a bit from the PayPal pop up or screen and clicking Pay with Debit or Credit card.

Enter details and confirm payment. You'll receive a confirmation that we received your payment. After a few days, we will send another email this time, about the shipment of your order.

For any questions and concern, message us at


Senpai Mart currently has two payment methods - through PayPal account and Credit/Debit card. However, the channel used to collect payment is through PayPal. Don't worry as you can select the credit/debit card option without the need to sign up for a PayPal account/

Follow these steps to successfully purchase an item from us. Look at the following pictures given, the numbers correspond the steps while the arrow points out the button that you need to click or take action.

After going to the link or page of the item you're interested in, you will see the photos, descriptions, and prices.

1. By clicking "ADD TO CART BUTTON," a confirmation will pop-up below the menu.

2. Clicking the confirmation message will redirect you to Your Cart page shown in the next picture.

3. You may also click the cart icon on the top right section of the page, it will redirect you to your cart.



In your cart, you can see the product you'd like to purchase.

4. You can remove an item from your cart.

5. You can also change the quantity of the items.

6. By clicking the CHECK OUT button, the site will bring you to the check out page.




Our check out page will let you choose between two payment methods.

7. If you have a PayPal account, click the button and a pop-up window will appear, just log-in your account and finally pay to finish the transaction.

8. If you do not have a PayPal but have a credit or debit card, you can still purchase from us. Click login if you already have an account on Senpai Mart. It will redirect you to Shipping page.

9. If you're a first-time customer, just fill-up the needed information then click "Continue to Shipping Method. It will also redirect you to the Shopping page.

Shipping method will allow you to give a final glance at the items you want to have.

10. After you made your final decision, click this button to get into the payment page. 

11. By clicking this button, the new pop-up window will appear asking for the payment method.

12. Click Pay with Debit or Credit card to proceed with the payment. Enter your credit / debit card details. We accept VISA, Mastercard, Discovery and American Express.

13. Click Pay Now to finish the transaction.

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